Dothan Vineyard Church

Sign up your child for AWANA using this form HERE
Next Awana year begins Wednesday August 31, 2022
It is a Bible based kids club for all ages from K to High School. It is used by churches of all denominational backgrounds. Its goal is to give each child a foundation in life based on learning the principles of the Word of God, develop Christ-like leadership and make each child a life long disciple of Jesus Christ.
Each club has their own curriculum, awards and uniform. One of our big events is the AWANA Grand Prix every year. Each child makes their own car and a trophy is awarded to the top 3 in each age grouping. Dad's and/or Mom's have the opportunity to interact with the entire Grand Prix process and be there on the big race night cheering on their clubbers.
AWANA at Dothan Vineyard Church is open to children from all church or non church backgrounds. There are no requirements of church membership or church affiliation to attend. All are welcome from K to 12th Grade.
AWANA at Vineyard is on a Wednesday night 5:45pm – 7:10pm.
Here is the typical schedule.
CHECK IN 5:45pm-6:00pm Check in, light meal for those who want it
OPENING ASSEMBLY 6:00pm-6:10pm
6:10pm Class Time and Game Times
7:10pm End and release to parents
COST: We ask for a minimum $1 donation for each child to be given at check in time. This teaches them the healthy Biblical habit of giving and generosity. This helps cover the costs of food, awards, books, treats, Grand Prix cars.
For more information on Awana Clubs visit
To talk with our AWANA Leader at Vineyard call 334-671-0093
Send a message directly to our AWANA leader here
AWANA means Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed
(taken from 2 Timothy 2:15)