Dothan Vineyard Church
Dothan Vineyard was launched October 1995 in the home of Pastor Lyle and Beverly Peluso.
Today Dothan Vineyard is a family church with a world vision for all people, all backgrounds. When you visit you will experience the love of the Lord through the people . . . freely you have received, freely give.
Our emphasis is on the whole family . . . we emphasize children's ministry and student ministry. We aim to help the family unit grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We want to strengthen your family as we follow the Lord together.
We are a people who have received mercy, we in turn are called to show God's mercy to others in the same way we have received it. We value reconciliation and the tearing down of walls between people groups.
Find God's Mercy Demonstrated at Vineyard
Read about a Centered Set Church Here

To obey the calling God has given our church to be 'outward focused' in 2011 we opened Living Hope Community Outreach Center in Downtown Dothan.
At Living Hope we help families and individuals who have come upon hard times with food, clothes, furniture and networking them with other agencies that can assist them further. We have dress for success and computers with internet access for the public to use.
We serve bag lunches for 50 people every Tuesday and Saturday.
Living Hope offers prayer support, GED tutoring, spiritual direction, and real people, who serve a real God, who offers real hope.
Living Hope is staffed with volunteers from all walks of life, from all church backgrounds who have a heart to serve others.
Open daily except Wednesday and Sunday from 10:00am till 2:00pm
309 N. Lena Street, Dothan, AL 36301 Phone: 334-671-2376
Michelle Michel is the Coordinator.